
Saturday, March 2, 2019

A Theoretical Approach to Culture and the Study of Its Theory Essay

The thought of kitchen-gardening is a broad and perplex subject that identifies with the ordinary practices of unlike groups of people. Our textbook defines culture as the hit pattern of serviceman behavior and its products, incarnate in thoughts, speech, action and artifacts. I personally view culture as a speculation that helps us develop and identify within our own decree, and societies of others. We see and experience culture constantlyyday lives. It can be identified though groups in their beliefs, dress, language, traditions, music, nourishment religion and upbringing.I personally come from a westbound Indian background, as my p bents be from the Caribbean. Although I was born in America, foods I prepargon are from Caribbean recipes. In my home calypso music is often clips played and if mother gets angry she begins to use words and put together words that would only make sense in our culture. Culture functions in such a way that is sociological, psychological an d biologic. For example sociologically, culture gives groups a sense of belonging. Psychologically groups of people create what they consider to be typical behavioral patterns that may be abnormal to one of a different cultural base.Culture functions biologically in the sense of reproducing their societies from multiplication to generation and the need for food and shelter to survive. We can tell someone of Asiatic decent not only by their physical traits, but in any case by their cultural practices. I believe our culture is embedded in us from the very beginning of our lives. From when we are babies our environment, family consciously and unconsciously molds us into learning a particular type of culture. Now to a greater extent than ever because of technology and global diversity and integrations we see multiculturalism.This is where there is an acceptance of various cultures and the practice of much than one culture in people. There are significant differences in various cu ltural backgrounds, whether its Western or Eastern, but this is what makes culture ever evolving, continuously growing and intertwining. In the early on stages some have tried to bring the connection betwixt developing and ethics. We have learned from theorists Charles Darwin who to life the conjecture of Human Evolution and infixed selection, Sir Edwards B. Tylor who is noted for the concept of animism and Herbert Spencer whom is often linked to the wording Survival of the Fittest.Charles Darwin was a pronounced and insightful theorist from the 18-19th century. What makes Charles Darwin best known is his theory of tender-heartedkind evolution of man and natural selection. With Darwins human evolution, he came up with the concept that all like organisms came from simple form, which is the origin of man. In explaining Darwins theory of natural selection he believed more organisms are produced than can survive or reproduce. This creates an environment where they compete for re sources and to reproduce successfully. His theory discloses some have successful genes/ traits and some do not.He believed the more powerful or successful traits/genes that are in organisms and ten cleared on to offspring. The stronger traits are continuously passed on and as passed on lead to tho success. Darwin believes these traits are naturally selected. In this way nature somehow selects traits that are more fitted for the various conditions in the environment in which they are in, these traits go away and those traits tend to last oer time. The steady accrual of the ever-changing traits over an extended period of time in conjunction with a changing environment brings forth evolution.Hence linking to the phrase choice of the fittest. Over time as Darwins studies developed, he began to zoom in the links between animals and humans instincts. He was also convinced that organisms are all descended from common ancestors. To elaborate, he believed two organisms could be traced ba ck through evolution at some point their linear will meet, and example would be human and chimpanzees. The success of Darwins theories lead to Darwinism which is the theory that all living things descended from an true common ancestor through natural selection and random disagreement without aid of intelligence or nonmaterial forces.Many theorists during Darwins concept and after used this as the foundation of their theories that they built on. Social Darwinism is where Darwins ideas were applied to society. Another cultural revolutionist or social Darwinists as they were referred to was Herbert Spencer. Hebert Spencer is well known for being an evolutionary theorists during the 1900s that took Darwin concepts of evolution to the next level.The phrase in which he is population for is survival of the fittest which as derived from Darwins concept of natural selection, but he indeed is the originator of this phrase. Spencer embraced Darwinism His theories also embodied Lamarckian and also saw selection as a direction of maintaining human quality. When we hear survival of the fitness we think of possibly a battle in means of survival, but Spencer was more making credit rating to stronger species out living and out living the weaker ones and being able to add-on and develop because of being stronger.He believed evolution evolving from simplest form to a more comprehensive form as in human beings, and that natures laws plays a role in the changes. Spencer also penned Principles of Psychology and stated that human minds were somehow linked to natural laws. What stood out to me about Spencer was his opposition in government assisting underclass. He was also against them from interjecting in economic and social affairs. He was against this because his view was it helped preserve the unfit or inferior people and assist them in obtaining resources such as healthcare.He believed helping them would prove to be unbeneficial because it would only lead to them producing a nd/or reproducing more unfit people, possibly creating the survival of the un-fittest. He was adamant in thinking these people were lazy and did not want to work and assisting them would only enable them. In which the strong should brandish and the weak should be pushed aside Spencer also believed in individual arguing and wanted to minimize governments role in society to make survival only of stronger willed people.Lamarckisms is the belief that organism pass on certain characteristics to offspring. Connected to his Lamarckian beliefs Herbert Spencer believed in a biological based hierarchy of races. He also believed as they grew they zoomed in on the evolutionary history of their race. To take this belief even further he believed characteristics even negative ones such as lying and stealing, from their race were passed take in to children. Sir Edward Burnett Tylor fathered the currently accepted concept of animalism he was influenced by Darwins theory of biological evolution.De velopment of culture and society from simple to interwoven forms. Europeans had sought to explain the existence of various primitive societies, some accept that such societies represented the lost tribes of Israel, others speculating that primitive peoples had degenerated since the time of Adam from an in the first place barbarous to an even lowlier savage state. European society was taken to imageize the highest state of existence, civilization. In the late 19th century, Edward Burnett Tylor and Lewis Henry Morgan elaborated the theory of unilinear evolution, specifying criteria for categorizing cultures according to their standing within a fixed system of harvesting of humanity as a whole and examining the modes and mechanisms of this growth. A widespread answer followed Franz Boas introduced the culture history approach, which concentrated on fieldwork among native peoples to identify substantial cultural and historical processes rather than speculative stages of growth.L eslie White, Julian Steward, and others sought to remediate aspects of sociocultural evolutionism, positing a progression ranging from bands and tribes at one end to chiefdoms and states at the other. More recently some anthropologists have adopted a command systems approach, examining cultures as emergent systems. Others continue to reject evolutionary thinking and verbal expression instead at historical contingencies, contacts with other cultures, and the operation of cultural symbol systems.

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