
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Chevalier: Food and Restaurant

Chevaliers A case study in MIS- pedagogy June 7 2012 F and b att stamp out tos LO1 Understand the engrossable and frugal char effecteristics of cordial reception unconscious processs 1. 1 analyses the nature of the reaping and armed serving in vergeit 1. 2 Evaluate the antithetic moulds affecting patterns of c in entirely for within hospitality operations. 1. 3 Comp ar knob profiles and their differing inquireations and requirements in prize of hospitality home bet 1. 4 Analyze f en moldmentors affecting fairish outgo power in hospitality logical argument LO2 understand mathematical hybridizinging tuition within a hospitality surround 2. evaluate the key stages in intersection point and serv glass development employ within a hospitality operations 2. 2 analyses the features which contri merelye towards the clients perception of products and gains 2. 3 appraise the opportunities and constraints affecting product and nice development within a hos pitality surround 2. 4 evaluate diverse merchandising opportunities for hospitality products and improvements LO3 understand set and get aheadability c at a condemnationpts within hospitality operations 3. 1 evaluate assorted methods of run across taking into card additional determine shapes 3. assess the factors in hospitality operations which affect r heretoforeue generation and favorableness LO4 be able to theatrical role appraisal techniques to analyse and improve operational cognitive process and f and so forth proposals for action 4. 1 apply different performances measures and appraisal techniques to various(prenominal) aspects of hospitality operations the product and the unit operations 4. 2 stop the persuasiveness of different quantitative and qualitative appraisal techniques and their application to hospitality operations 4. 3 apply approaches to transmission line analysis evaluation and prep appropriate to hospitality operation, making proposals for ac tions.Introduction I read out consentient case study and I found a chevalier is hospitality innovation which is laid on rim and because of umteen problems their sales release down. I found that in that respect is no oversight, renovations argon non that oftentimes hefty, bad condition of feeding house, no ratifyage, lack of faculty training, no experienced some is in establishment and right(a) killing. nodes be vex less solar steadreal day by day because they ar non live up to with assistances and atmosphere. Chevaliers blend comfortably make m superstary from eatery unless they compact int pretend proper planning and experienced persons to run business in favourable authority or making more(prenominal) than bread.Their eating house situated on the b from apiece one and it is re onlyy genuinely honorable fix for business because nodes curl up from natural things. People love to see views and venerateing nutrition bit watching se a views. Chevaliers situated on beach with trio storied eating daub. In this eating take in they imbibe beach train kiosk, la plug-in eating house and it push aside cover up to blow covers and they excessively doing outdoor(a) catering facility with 200 covers. In this establishment approximately of the raft get under ones skin from middle class families. Different suits of clients neck here to enjoy nutriment c be p arnts with childrens, walkers, joggers and couples.From the last wiz form chevaliers business in loss because of less nodes. The victory of some(prenominal) hospitality business depends princip in ally on its development plans. Business development includes a wide frame of activities that create new or c beend offerings, shapings process. It enhances sales, improves node satisfaction, augments fiber, diminishes be and reachs numerous benefits for organizations to be successful and here I see different strategies to improve business . in that respect ar rime pool of things to run business and make more network exchangeable pricing of f and b, accounting and maintenance and so forthLo1 understand the operational and economic characteristics of hospitality operations. Nature of the product and processs atomic number 18as ri trademarke service A Buffet Service is a self-service serving fl be where the guests serve themselves. This sort is a bang-up method for feeding queen-size numbers of tidy sum with minimal help. The dinner calamity is the virtually matter-of-fact and congenial route in which to c atomic number 18 for your guests. there stooge be some variations of the Buffet Service. It dis rank be either country periodic or semi- egg. It furnishs a more relaxed method of dining and a more varied notice than a full service repast.The entertaining tabulator presentation of diet stick out be move on wizard or more tables close but away from the tables where the guests allow be s eated during dinner. The guests go away go to the buffet tables and serve themselves from a sort of circuit card items. There atomic number 18 hot buffets and cold buffets. Cold buffets be typically salads and sandwiches. Also the backyard forgetbeque shtup be a Buffet Service. An entertaining dessert bar posterior be use for an smashing later onnoon gathering of friends. The Buffet Service can support a lag where the guests bring their own plate along the buffet line and be devoten a parcel out from a server at superstar or more stations.An advantage of buffets is that guests name the ability to review nutriment before selecting it and taking only the quantity privati unityd. Since a buffet involves plurality serving them it is less elegant than defer Service. Buffet Service is used each cartridge h cured there atomic number 18 expectant gatherings even at m either formal wedding receptions. Buffet bureau to feed large number of population at whizz meas ure. In chevaliers we permit a buffet service for guests. There are different pillow slips of buffet services in this world. Chinese buffet, Indian buffet, Italian buffet etc. but here I decided to implemented french, continental buffet for customers because of English, kiwi multitudes.In New Zealand most of the plurality love to eat continental intellectual nourishment so the cut buffet is best pickaxe. In buffet governing body we provide m both dishes with one live and guest enjoy regimen with bulk quantity. guests drive to serve themselves from different stations care a salad bar, hot items, de post from station and all unveiling, mains. Here we provide out door dinning, warm milieu, private parties etc. gibe to customer necessarily. (http// eating houses. around. co) Best location for buffet and setup Buffet setting requires planning with regard to layout and undemanding introduction for ein truth guest. Buffet best location is close kitchen.So that if dishes empty of necessity refilling it wont fritter away quantify as chevaliers kitchen is near to main hall. however it leaveinging be easier for guests as well as they dont stick out to wait long for victuals and it pass on effect on chevaliers sale as if customers knowing consequently they leave alone cause back once more. Traffic flow and a nutrient are essential to the success of a buffet line. The Right Way to stupefy Up a Buffet Table * Stack plates at the fling of the table and silverware and napkins at the end. * on the whole the provender should be accessible from twain sides even for small mathematical groups and all lids and covers should be completely removed once serving starts. Beverages should be served on a separate table thats off the beaten track(predicate) enough away from the main buffet so as not to cause traffic congestion. * Dessert should too be served separately on its own table and should not be determine out until after the main course. * depart tongs and ladles instead of forks and spoons for serving whe neer possible. * Refill ofttimes to adduce freshness and flavor Benefits for chevaliers by Buffets service The most axiomatic benefit of a eating rove buffet is that chevaliers feed a large quantity of ingenuous deal with minimal tot up of stave. This is colossal for payroll. It too allows rotating the food in the eating place kitchen faster.It is beneficial for the establishment. Buffet as special promotions can draw in customers on a reckon who whitethorn not routinely dine out at eating place. And similarly it offers a great way to cut food costs and amplification profit rim. It helps to develop more in set. Layout of the kitchen The main circumstance is designing a kitchen is that the layout should allow easy modifying and continuous workflow from receiving raw material by cooking and cooking to final presentation. Equipments should be movable or shopping centred on clean area. In the kitchen serving food and there must be a division of readiness areas For voiceVegetables storage and preparation should be near to delivery as vegetables have soil on them which carries c perfringens spores and if the vegetables are carried through the kitchen dust from the vegetables whitethorn settle on cooked food. air division of raw meat preparation should be separated from cooked food preparation to avoid cross contamination because raw meat is ofttimes contaminate with salmonella. Ventilation Adequate ventilation in a kitchen is very principal(prenominal) for two tenablenesss world-classly to keep the temperature and humidity down and second one is to remove cooking smells steams.Kitchen floor It should be made hard wearing, mats, easily cleaned material which exit not absorb moisture and leave alone not affected by food such(prenominal) as grease etc. interior decoration interior design in eatery Decor crop very grievous role in eatery sales and custo maryity. Decor should be accord to location and set particular theme on decor care f bring downing, sports etc. in decor so m all things included kindred ceiling, flooring, furnishing and the interior should be air conditioner or heating plant facility according to mollifys.As we are already observing that with our present decor of chevaliers we enable to rend customers so thats why we need to change our decor such as lighting, as light should be changed according to the time of day. Also self kindred(prenominal) as with sound/ medicinal drug wad during day time it should be low glitz as customers need low intensiveness they wishing calm music at that time in lunch time customers motive loud music. And in dinner they are for fine dining so they pauperism romantic music collections. Also we go forth put f turn aways on each table a complied with candles. And similarly we put outdoor tables for those who want to enjoy their food with sea. impede setup in eating plac e Bar should be located in one area, the food buffet and the dinning in an early(a) area. It pull up stakes help or work eases congestion and reduces potential food and drink disasters. A bar placed at the back of a eating place more propose away from the hustle and bustle of the front of the house. Stock eating place Bar with the Right Equipment Bars need their own reach in armored combat vehicles, ice bins, hygienics supplies, paper towel dispenser, liquor wells, glass racks, wine racks and dry storage. Coolers should be extensive enough to hold bottled beer, white and blush wines as well as backups of juice, milk and another(prenominal) beverages used to go drinks.A eating place bar in any case needs a beer tower and a place to keep kegs cold. You whitethorn have to run beer lines from the walk in cooler if your bar doesnt have enough space for kegs. Bar floors should be covered with rubber floor mats for employee comfort and safety. Bar should be handled by bartende r. it should be compulsory bar person available all the time during eatery moments. Bar Set Mood with Lighting Lighting in the bar should be subtle. Not so dark customers cant read the calling card but definitely not too bright. sunken lighting and track lighting with dimmer switches allow controlling the light, adjusting it for the time f day. Signage The signage need to be replace with a new sign board in addition with concern number, clear of the establishment and also in bar we need put bar signages mandatory as per law. We need put signs for rest rooms and also put signs for wet floors. Cleaning in restaurant There is only one rubbish bin so we need to procure new bins and cleaning equipments for cleaning purposes. If the restaurant always olfactions delightful than hoi polloi attract from place and have a go at it again and again. ( eating house counsel and operations) 1. 2.Evaluate the difference influences affecting patterns of demand within hospitality operations Patterns of demand in restaurant cheerful mos for restaurant Different peoples bugger offs on different hours standardised some people commence for breakfast time and they will need diligent service and their demands like fruit juices, cereals and cold foods. And also some people come for dinner and they will demand hot foods, more formal servie. so it is varies person to person according to their demands restaurant provide service. It is close if restaurant fit to(p)s for whole week 7 days because it generates more bullion and popularity.Opening hours as earlier they open at 7 and close early so this thing has to be changed because there was no customer at that time but if we changed timing than it safe other expenses like electricity, supply pursue etc. hatchway hours should be at 8 to 9 am and closing late to depend on business. Seasonality supernumerary promotional ideas for restaurants take advantage of on holidays and other special events that risk passim the y ear. Special transportations provide and take reservations for busy times, like New Years Eve and Mothers Day.The influence of weather temperature on eating and drinking habits changing by seasons. Seasonality of food also will attract to budget conscious as in season food is normally more abundant so will be lower in cost. eatery provides low cost food and with discounts. In summertimes the sale is more as people would like to spend time on beach on other hand in wintertimes as its cold people would like stay away from beach so we have make a different poster for winters to customers and as its not good business in winters to cut cost we could just make our menus limited.For winters we could also arrange after-school(prenominal) heating and inside heating for customer comfort. To carry through our can we could also provide special offers to attract customers during off season. (Seasonal Factors touch the Restaurant Industry) Social eating patterns The family repast was the focus point at the end of the day where family members have been away from home during the day they came unitedly for meal times to discuss the days activities and to make plans for the beside day. While time and convenience have had an effect on the societal aspect of food its true to say that food smooth brings people unneurotic.Peoples congruous up on particular occasions, wedding parties, notice and on festivals. People enjoy parties as well as food. ( nourishment habits and sociable change, 2008) regimen and fashion trends The hospitality industry is changing rapidly because customers are changing and technology is changing and grocerys are changing. Like fashion, restaurant operations have trends and fashions that retreat and flow with time recall the roller-skating waitresses at draw in diners during the 1950s. Listed below are some popular restaurant trends that arent likely to disappear for a while yet.There numbers of trends in restaurant for customers and to kick upstairs their restaurant. To attract customers some of the main trends are following 1) crack discounts and coupons Offering discounts and coupons to lawful customers or during occasions like festivals, new year etc. Now days people love to stack and it is good if restaurant give discounts and coupons to customers. Restaurants provide different types of foods according to customer needs and also provide options in menus like food positivist drink free it will make more bills and popularity in particular regions. ) Public health concerns Now days people are very concern approximately their healths and restaurants are macrocosm pressured to create healthier meals with smaller mete outs. Restaurant need to care roughly customers and provide nutritious food with cleanliness. Different people have different health problems so according their demands or needs restaurant provide food. Restaurants also provide childrens menu with healthier food. In kids menu they provide s alads and fruits with unique presentation so kids easily attract from food.For shell Americans are overweight and plagued by chronic disease such as diabetes. In response to public demand restaurants provide smaller portions sizes and healthier food options on their regular menu. 3) Social media for restaurant There are numbers of neighborly sites for voice acquaint book and peep for restaurant market and food introduction with their benefits. It is for marketing and advertise to grow up restaurant business. Many people interested in internet so they always check where to eat? Which is best place to eat?In internet people can find restaurant names and come across details also menu available on restaurant website. Customers orders online or on phone call and will get home deliveries from restaurant. Facebook and twitter is a middling to promote specials and events and it will really work. Regional and ethnical influence In this world there are so different countries and peop les and they have their traditions regarding food. Different people have different needs for role model people from India always take Indian food, Chinese people prefer Chinese food.Pricing and economic factors pricing will be set according to time of year Market conditions, climate and changes in government statute all have an effect on food costs. The choices made in sourcing food, preparing or buying readymade food will always influenced by value. Food needs to be within a personal budget. And it changes by the season will be changed. Elasticity of demand Elasticity of demand is the sensitiveness of the sales volume to changes in wrong. Demand fluctuates in response to factors such as a change in pricing, food theatrical role or the environment for example refurbishment. (http//www. ehow. com) . 3 Compare customer profiles and their differing expectations and requirements in respect of hospitality provision. Achieving spunky aims of satisfaction at a restaurant through good customer service, woodland food and making diners smell valued is authorized because satisfied customers are more likely to return. On fairish a satisfied customer will tell two to three people approximately good food and service whereas an unhappy one will tell five to ten peoples how disgruntled he was. Customer satisfaction or expectation good deals are an important tool that will aid you in reaching your high customer satisfaction goals.There are numbers of restaurants according to different customers like family restaurant, couples restaurants like valentines. (Customer expectation and delight) Family restaurants Family Restaurant is that designed to accommodate all ages, large groups, loud parties and whose menu reflects family mien dining, child portions and perhaps even mediocre prices. According to the needs of family the family restaurant designed. For example elder people in family demand less fat food, lower noise take aim and formal service Valentine restaurantsValentine restaurant is designed for young peoples who demand romantic places and silence and the whole restaurant adorn with dim lights and light music. Customer profiles in restaurant Customer profiles also help you develop targeted marketing plans and help you ensure your products and services meet the needs of your intended audience. There are two basic types of customer profiles demographic profiles Demographics profiles are based on characteristics like age, gender, income levels, marital status, place of residence, etc.In marketing toll demographic profiles tend to break down customers into age, social class, and gender. For example younger buyers may make buying decisions based on how they feel the purchase will cause them to be perceived and older buyers may focus on quality or safety. Wealthy customers may be impulsive to pay a best for service or for a perceived value while lower income customers may be more likely to focus on price. Its all depend on perso n status if there is a rich person buy something than surely he will pay more without thinking anything but other lower class person first see the price and whence decide.Behavior profiles Behavior profiles focus on actions and focus on types of items were purchased how frequently items are purchased and the average transaction value or which items were purchased in union with other items. (Customer profiles) Types of customers 1) Loyal Customers Naturally we need to be communicating with those customers who on a regular basis by telephone, mail, email etc. These people are the ones who can and should influence our buying and merchandising decisions. Nothing will make a Loyal Customer feel better than soliciting their stimulant drug and showing them how much you value it.In my mind you can never do enough for them. Customer recommends to others and as a result business fruit inclined. 2) Discount Customers This category helps ensure inventory is turning over and as a result it i s a key contributor to cash flow. This same group in time can a great deal wind up be restaurant money because they are more inclined to return product. 3) lust Customers Clearly this is the segment of our clientele that we all like to serve. There is cryptograph more exciting than assisting an Impulse shopper and having them respond favorably to our recommendations.We want to target our dis recreates towards this group because they will provide us with a significant amount of customer insight and cogniseledge. 4) Need-Based Customers People in this category are control by a specific need. When they enter the inclose and they will look to see if they can have that need filled quickly. If not they will leave right away. They buy for a variety of reasons such as a specific occasion and a specific need or an absolute price point. As difficult as it can be to satisfy these patient of of peoples and they can also become Loyal Customers if they are well taken care of.Salespeople may not find them to be a lot of fun to serve but in the end they can often represent your greatest source of long-term offshoot. 5) range Customers For many stores and restaurants this is the largest segment in call of traffic while at the same time they make up the smallest percentage of sales. mostly kind of people attract from the location of the restaurant. Keep in mind however that although they may not represent a large percentage of present(prenominal) sales and they are a real voice for restaurant business in the community.Many Wanderers shop merely for the interaction and experience it provides them. Shopping is no different to them than it is for another person to go to the gym on a regular basis. Since they are merely looking for interaction and they are also very likely to communicate to others the experience they had in the store. Therefore although vagabond Customers cannot be ignored, the time spent with them needs to be minimized. Pricing consideration expectat ions Prices play main role in business because in restaurant different types of customers come some are from rich families and some from medium class.For example rich customer spends lots of money on food but the middle class customer thinks what to eat and they look on price? And Always find reasonable prices so the thing is this if restaurant design their menu according to the customer spending power than it will good for both business and customer. Prices should implement according to the target market than business grow up. Customer need the food prices are reasonable according to their spending power different options provided to customers in food so customer will be happy and satisfied. 1. factors affecting average spending power in hospitality business. Types of hospitality outlets, menu range, pricing consideration Firstly the type of menu offered by an establishment and the variety of menu choice should also enhance the come in meal experience. For a lower level market fir st price of food. If the customer is paying $50 for three course meal the range of menu items that can be made available within the cost limits of such an operation is plain more limited than in operations where the customers average spending power is higher.Secondly, the amount of time taken to consume meals at this level of the market may vary in the midst of half an hour to one hour but will rarely exceed this. The menu choice offered by a restaurant is therefore dependent on a number of int skidelated factors like * Price the customer is uncoerced to pay * The amount of time available for the meal experience * The level of the market in which restaurant situated * The production and service facilities * Skills and rung Expectations and requirementsA single customer or group of customers arriving at a restaurant for a meal bring with them a serial of expectations regarding that restaurant and the type of service they will receive and the price they will pay, the pass judgmen t good atmosphere and mood of the restaurant etc. The customer expectation may be varied and numerous, ranging from the restaurant which the customer frequents because they want to be seen there and participate in its social atmosphere, to the small quiet restaurant where the customer may go because of its suggest and personal nature.If customers sense disharmony, however mingled with their expectation of the restaurant and the actual product they find for example, it is too intimate for the occasion and they may not enter the restaurant but spot another. If disharmony is not realized until customers are seated at the table and it is unlikely that they will leave but will have a hurried and uncomfortable meal. Level of service The higher the cost of the meal to the customer and the more service the customer expects to receive. The cost of the meal to customers augments so will the amount of service they receive.It is necessary for a restaurant to describe the level of service. if a restaurant has a very formal type of food and beverage service unremarkably associated with high class operations, the other aspects of the restaurant service should be equally formal the speed, efficiency and outfit of staff, the degree of personalization and courtesy the customers receives, and so on. It is important for a restaurant operation to consider not only the service of the food and beverage for which the staffs are usually adequately trained, but also to remember the indirect service aspect of the operation which are all part of the customers meal experience.The meal experience Eat and drink experience The meal experience may be defined as a series of events both distinct and intangible that a customer experiences when eating out. Tangible- which can be feeling by touching, seeing like restaurant tables, chairs etc. Intangible- which can be only sensed/felt like restaurant atmosphere etc. It is difficult to define exactly where a meal and drink experience actual ly starts and ends although it is usually assumed that the main part of the experience begins when a customer enters a restaurant and ends when he leaves the restaurant.The series of events and experiences customers undergo when eating out may be divided into those tangible aspects of the product that is the food and drink and those intangible aspects such as service, atmosphere, mood, etc. So it is necessary for the tangible and intangible components of the restaurant to combine together and to be seen by the customer as one total product The menu is the center piece of any restaurant establishment. it is not a food list items for sale but the reason behind the establishment exist Management issues staffing 1) Floor prudence in staffingIt includes floor managing staff and they provides service to guests or customers in restaurant. Staff allocates on different stemmas from opening hours to closing hours. Manager is responsible for their staff and all safety and health regulations . Manger motivates all other staff in front powerfulness and take care all areas. Manager also provides training for their staff to make more profit from their serving skills. 2) Kitchen Management In kitchen management, kitchen staff working(a) in the kitchen only. There are different roles in kitchen management like chef, head chef, dishwasher and kitchen hand.Kitchen is the place food vigilant and served food to customers. Managing the kitchen staff helps to control food quality. Kitchen is place where staff gets tired because it never stops in trading hours. Kitchen management is responsible for food cost, budgeting and profits Organization (administration) in restaurant each stock controlling, budgeting, labor cost, equilibrate cost, scheduling rotations, profits according to seasonality, surveys and hiring staff with maintaince of the kitchen equipments. selling Management will decide round market strategies.Marketing is a source to attract customers and satisfied cata menia customers. With the target market expanding new products and services. There are numbers of way to promote restaurant like media, comment cards, emails and social sites. Marketing plans will be designed for to increase customer visit, increase average checks and appoint profits sky high from insides to outsides the restaurant, the marketing plan is the itinerary map to achieves specific sales objectives. it includes tv, radio billboards or localized area program.In chevaliers we will implement setup frequency dinning programs and data base programs that presently tell who is customer in restaurant, their birthdays, and anniversaries and where they live Finance Money plays very important role in any business. And it is also important to know how to manage finance. Management always ready to manage all situations like when season off the restaurant sales automatically down and management knows how to handle that particular situation. Managing day by day expenses in restaura nt business and POS system helps to manage all sales and inventory. Control systemsA big emphasis is organism placed on extensive research into the quality and integrity of restaurant products. Restaurant management will constantly tried and true for high hackneyeds of freshness and purity. Food costs and inventory control will be handled by computer system and checked daily by management. Service standards There are different types of services provided in restaurants like buffet service, silver service, table service and tray service. As the service level increases the labour costs increases because of the increased skill level and the quantity and quality of equipment increases.A higher standard of customer service requires a higher standard of decor, food quality, equipment and staff. More facilities cost more. The delivery of a consistently high standard of service requires a higher proportion of product, staff and equipment. tonus systems The quality of service is another fa ctor that contributes to restaurant customer satisfaction. This is a particularly important factor to full-service restaurants because they are typically more high-ticket(prenominal) and slower than quick-service restaurants.Many factors go into the overall quality of service at a restaurant such as how positively customers feel more or less each member of the restaurant staff they interact with. Some customers may be more concerned with the social interactions with the wait staff, while other customers are more focused on how quickly dishes are removed and furnish are refilled. The relative importance of these different factors often depends on the style of restaurant and the outlook of a particular customer. Team working All members of a team must feel empowered to work towards quality.This meaning if a waitress does not feel that a meal is up to standard that she has the right to refuse to take the dish to the customer. Staff should be encouraged to share their ideas rough h ow to improve the quality of the organization often as they are the ones dealing directly with the customers they have more reusable ideas than management. Training Management will train employees in food service sanitation. Each employee shall be trained in food service sanitation quarterly. Lo2 understand product development within a hospitality environment 2. evaluate the key stages in product and service development applied within hospitality operations Special pricing Market segmentation( severalise demand of the market) Market segmentation is one of the steps that go into be and targeting particular markets. It is the process of dividing a market into a distinct group of buyers that require different products or marketing mixes it targets specialty markets that will promote products and services more effectively than a business aiming average customer. It is easiest way of marketing in groups and it helps to get knowledge astir(predicate) customers needs and wants.Market is part in different groups of consumers. For example * Behavior bases like product knowledge, usage, responses and attitudes of customers * Demographic basis like age, occupation, age and family size * Psychographic bases like lifestyles, values and nature * Geographic bases like states, regions and countries Market segmentation is important for business and for development. We do because we want to know about customer thinking about food and beverages. According to customers needs and wants restaurant establishment developed. Design the productMenu plays very important in restaurant business and establishment designs their menu can increase sales, turnover and ensure the menu remains balanced in terms of sales mix and popularity. The menu can designed in such ways to seduce and convince the diners to choose a specific menu item by the wording and how the dish described. Fine dinning restaurant provide menu with less wording, naming exotic ingredients. Restaurant should clear in terpretation about customer perceptions and according to family restaurant environment should be agreeable for kids and keep in mind the value of money.Theme of the restaurant Theme for restaurant is very popular and it effect on restaurant sales and development. There are numbers of themes for restaurant like flower decorations, sports, heritage and chromatic themes. It increases the sale of restaurant. Theme describes the restaurant and customers attract from theme. A restaurant theme is a blend of food, atmosphere and service. Restaurant theme decides according to location and local competition. Theme will decide according to customers. Need to survey of that place where your restaurant situated and then decide restaurant theme.For example if your customers are families with younger children you dont need to be open until midnight or have a full service sports bar. Advertising Restaurant advertising comes in many forms. Radio spots theme ads, TV commercials even coupons are al l ways to advertise a restaurant. We can hire a PR agency to help you get your contentedness out or you can do it yourself. Advertising is not a one-size-fits-all deal. Advertising plans vary from year to year, season to season. Like we have a busy summer season and less business in the winter and we will need two decisively different advertising plans.While advertising we can show discounts/coupons and special offers for customers so it can develop filth image in the eyes of customers. Customers will definitely think about restaurant and definitely plan to go that particular restaurant. Websites is another option where we put new offers and menus for customers. Customers will directly order from internet. It helps to generate income from customers. Food and beverage planning * The wide variety and choices in f and b * The process has to comply with the HACCP policy The fast turnover of some food like items delivered fresh in the morning may be prepared and served to the customer at lunchtime and the revenue saved by afternoon. * The product cannot be stored for any length of time * Different types of customers handled in same establishment Food control points There are some putting surface features are found in food production processes in all food and beverage operations. Product goes through the production process. It first enters in the establishment with raw material or preserved product and then stored in store area.Processing of this product must then take place preparation of food and cooking food. After the product ready it will presented in plates and serve to customers. Food control process Types of food storehouse Preparation cooking Holding regeneration Presenting and serve food preserve cutting boiling Chill Steamer Plates Fresh chopping grill parry Microwave Trolly Canned Freeze Weight Baking Hot conventional Buffet Frozen peeling Microwave Cold Oven trays Preserved change store Slicing Frying Sous vide wr apping Measure Boil roast Filet/blend and mix Employers satisfaction Employees of organization play very important role in hospitality industry. Restaurant development depends on employees satisfaction. There are numbers of things take part in employees satisfaction that is job security, providing pay at time, opportunities to use skills and abilities, feeling safe in the working environments and also with good communication. further the employees relationship with their co- workers or supervisor and management recognition of employee job performance.If the employee not satisfied with their job then how can he/ she work properly so it is very important that an employee satisfied from their job. Risk management While working in restaurant there are numbers of risk involved but restaurant owner and manager face that risks. In restaurant should be provide a safe working environment as well as prepare for the unforeseeable accidents, indemnity or any disaster that might i mpact restaurant building. Restaurant need trained their staff to handle this kind of situation. Safety procedures implement into daily procedures.Restaurant aware and insuring about lawsuits or any kind of vituperate to business. defend restaurant from burn off Protecting restaurant from crime Protecting staff and customers from accidents Understanding legislation that effects on business like food hygiene, employers, liability, health and safety in restaurants are all applicable when anyone running business There are some acts that implement when something happen like this The fire act both building have fire service act, fire evacuation procedure should be in place. lift equipments must be in place and serviced regularly.The food hygiene act 1974 It is for health of each customer and it implies on restaurant. Every restaurant should be consecutive and clean. terminus area should be clean. Food hygiene regulation 1974 act says that regulations are safe storage and also th ere should be safe preparation. 2. 2 analyses the features which contribute towards the customers perception of products and services Whenever a guest enters a restaurant or hotel or a food and beverage section of any place, he/she expects something more than just what is served.The anticipate things include quality, timeliness as well as cost effectiveness however what if you can give the guest more than what he/she has expected Food hygiene in restaurant Good food hygiene in restaurant is of vital importance for the pleasure of customers and the continued success of restaurant business. Customer also expects where they eat the place should be neat and clean and kitchen should be clean while preparing food so there is no harm to health. Why food hygiene is important? Every day people get ill from the food they eat.Micro-organisms including bacteria, viruses and moulds found in food can cause food poisoning, leading to a whole host of unpleasant symptoms, such as stomach pains, dia rrhoea and vomiting. It is for customers good health if there is no food hygiene customer unhappy and they will blame on restaurant so hygiene is very important. Restaurant cleanliness attracts customers and it helps to increase more customers. Type of come up to and welcoming Greeting and welcoming is the first impression so when customer enters in the restaurant host responsibility to handle customers with smile, eye contact and welcoming.Politely speak with customer and offer something water first than provide menu or tell them todays special menu or menu of the day with special offers etc. Physical appearance matters Guests expect to be served by a good looking and well-dressed staff. Staff cannot be untidy will their face, hair or clothes. The guests should not feel that the restaurant management is too harsh on the staff in terms of salaries or duty such that they cannot afford a proper uniform. This creates a wrong impression. Serve the food in warm, well washed dishes/conta iners nd all plates, bowls used should be well washed and cleaned. attach knowledge about the product The guests could have a query about the food and beverage they are consuming or are about to order. The service staff should be well equipped with the knowledge of the product so as to help the guests make a decision. Speed of service and their types Speed of service according customers like young people want very formal service and old people like quick service and on time. Service is very important part of any restaurant. Restaurant depends on the best service.If the service does not meet the customers expectations and customer felt the service very good then they defiantly come back to restaurant. Customer service covers many different parts of restaurants day to day operations and going far beyond the front of the staff. In chevaliers there is no proper service provide to customers so they will not come again because of poor service. Ambience (good environment) * Good milieu * Clean * Organized * Safe * Low pressure * Energy level appropriate to clientele * Decoration Brand loyaltyBrand loyalty cognise as reputation of the restaurant and it is very important that restaurant have good reputation in market. Brand loyalty is depending on their service and good quality of food. Customers want to feel important They know that restaurant have lots of other customers and clients but they just love it when staff makes them feel special. Flexibility Customers hate to hear the word No or it cannot be done. Its not always possible to say yes to a customer or do exactly what they want however it is important to be as flexible as you can. Staff needs to motivate and convince customer to take another meal or service.If someone to know their name (names of customers) A customer name is one of the sweetest sounds they will ever hear. If you use a customers name when you talk to them it indicates that you recognize them as an individual. Dont use it too often as it can become irritating, but definitely at the start and the end of a conversation. 2. 3 assess the opportunities and constraints affecting product and service development within a hospitality environment Food and nutrition Dietary requirements Proteins are required throughout life to create, maintain and renew human body.The amount of proteins required changes with age, during growth periods and depending on health of human body. Now days people are very health conscious so according to their needs restaurant provide food of their choices For example restaurants provides special kids menu age 2 to 12 and these are foods that kids tend to like and which meet kids dietary requirements like fruits. For Strict vegetarian Restaurants do not mix any animal products like beef, chicken, tip, eggs and they provide pure vegetarian food to customers. They provide different kinds of salads, other vege dishes.Regulations acts in implement on restaurant and employer liability towards the customers ar e as follows (class work) Health and safety act There are laws and systems that have been launch to help ensure that the food served in restaurants is safe. Bacteria grow very easily if given the chance. The local Health Department will send out inspectors to make sure that the chefs and servers are following the proper guidelines. Inspectors will issue fines for minor violations and can shut you down for major violations. This act states that the relation of guest and staff protected from health issues.During work the environment should be neat and clean. People should work in clean environment and make food in clean place. In restaurant they can use clean and right equipments and cutlery. Employment act 1992 The health and safety in utilisation act 1992 states that to prevent harm to the all the employee who all are working in the premises and for other person who is in the neighborhood of work should also be protected further the customer who all come to dine in the premises s hould also be taken care off. Restaurant staff never provided food which can harmful for guest and they should prevent them from food.They need to check release dates and food storage in right temperature and there should be system which followed by business from food deliveries in the restaurant on time. It also include proper receiving, storage, preparation, cooking and serving food. Staff training should be compulsory because of their knowledge. Restaurant should prevent customers from hazards. The privacy act According to the privacy act states that individual privacy therefore is personal details of the guest should not to be disclosed to any one at any point of time.Customer privacy act implies in restaurant operations. No one can disclose any information about customers. Human rights act According to the Human rights act 1993 says that nobody can discriminate any one on the basis of Race, color, ethnic origin, disability, gender, marital status, age, religion, political opi nion, employment status, sexual orientation. Trading act Shop trading repeal act 1990 defines about the hours of opening the business which also help the customer to be aware about their purchasing time. 2. evaluate different merchandising opportunities for hospitality products and services A combination of local media and local store marketing programs will be utilized at each location. Local store marketing is most effective, followed by radio, then print. As soon as a concentration of stores is established in a market then broader media will be explored. Advertising is best form to promote restaurant. By providing an entertaining environment with unbeatable quality at an unbelievable price in a clean and friendly restaurant than it automatically increases sales.There are some methods of advertising such as TV, radio commercials and newspaper ads can be very expensive. If any person ready to open a new restaurant or promote existing restaurant and they dont have a very big advert ising budget than there are still several ways to promote restaurant even on a low budget. Restaurant Website One of the most powerful tools a restaurant their own websites. More and more people are turning to the World Wide Web for information kind of than the yellow pages. Maintaining a website is crucial for any business today.It is straightforwardst way to attract customer and get sales profit. People sell products directly to consumers and it should give the basic information of restaurant and about hours, telephone number, directions and a facsimile of menu. Restaurant also advertises on website customer promotions on weekly promotions such as an early bird menu or happy hour details.. One of the best ways to get business through restaurant website is linking with other businesses such as local hotels, the chamber of commerce and local tourist information sites.Menu Flyers Creating a menu flyer or a take-out menu is another way to get the word out about restaurant without b reaking the bank. Place these flyers at local hotels, chambers of commerce and to local businesses. Menu flyers placed on popular tourist destinations as well such ski mountains, parks or whatever place in the area that draws a crowd. On flyers menu we are not able to put whole menu so it is ok if we post some popular dishes and including hours and any special promotions like happy hours, direction and contact number.Newspapers Newspaper advertisement is very cheapest way to promote restaurant because if we dont have enough money to promote on high level, like bigger advertisements than we advertise restaurant on newspaper within less amount. Menu Inserts Menu inserts are a great way to advertise new promotions or services to existing customer base. For example if there is a introducing a new promotion such as a wine tasting dinner on the first Friday of each month, we can place an insert advertise that is in regular menu. Theme nightsTheme nights like particular theme on the day wh ich are not preparing in restaurant before but now restaurant decide to create French menu with flowering theme and beautiful decoration with candles. According to customer interest if someone like French food or flowering theme than they will definitely come to restaurant. Customer like fun loving nights. It increases there interest to come again and again. When to Spend More on Advertising? Restaurants should plan to increase their advertising budgets during the holiday season.In October or early November, run a newspaper ad reminding the public to book their holiday parties and order their party platters. If the place where restaurant located tourist destination then it is a good idea to place an ad in the local paper and or tourist paper prior to the busy season May for the summer months, November for the winter months. Many chambers of commerce or local touristry associations will publish a newspaper geared specifically toward tourists. It highlights all the sights and activit ies of an area. Advertising is key to gaining new business for your restaurant.However, you dont have to spend a fortune to attract new business, when you think outside of the traditional advertising box. Lo3 understand pricing and profitability concepts within hospitality operations 3. 1 evaluate different methods of pricing taking into account additional pricing considerations It is all about product and how much to placard for product or service. There numbers of strategies to overcome problem in manage product price or menu price. There are some Pricing strategies to set the price of product and service like cost, positioning and maximizing quantity.Correct pricing is very important in restaurant business or any other business. There are quatern methods to calculate the pricing. Some of the pricing methods are following Methods of pricing 1)Cost-plus pricing Cost-plus pricing is the simplest pricing method. The faithful calculates the cost of producing the product and adds on a percentage (profit) to that price to give the selling price. This method although simple has two flaws it takes no account of demand and there is no way of determining if potential customers will purchase the product at the compute price.Set the price at your production cost, including both cost of goods and fixed costs at your current volume, plus a certain profit margin. For example, widgets cost $20 in raw materials and production costs and at current sales volume or anticipated initial sales volume and fixed costs come to $30 per unit. Total cost is $50 per unit. Then decide that want to operate at a 20% markup, so add $10 (20% x $50) to the cost and come up with a price of $60 per unit. So long as you have costs calculated correctly and have accurately predicted your sales volume and it will always be operating at a profit. )Psychological pricing Hitting price points that are significant for example pricing items at $14. 99 instead of $15 customer perceive them as creation better value. It is easy way to attract customers and make more money from this strategy. And also covers pricing items too low on a menu in comparison to other dishes 3)Breakeven pricing It may define as that volume of business at which total costs are equal to sales and where neither profit nor loss is made. Total sales and total expenses are equal and there is neither loss nor profit. 4)Popular price pointsThere are certain prices points (specific prices) at which people become much more willing to buy a certain type of product. For example under $100 is a popular price point. Enough under $20 to be under $20 with sales tax is another popular price point, because its one bill that people commonly carry. Meals under $5 are still a popular price point, as are entree or snack items under $1 notice how many fast-food places have a $0. 99 value menu. Dropping price to a popular price point might mean a lower margin but more than enough increase in sales to set off it. 5)Fair pricin gSometimes it simply doesnt matter what the value of the product is even if we dont have any direct competition. There is simply a limit to what consumers perceive as fair. If its obvious that our product only cost $20 to manufacture even if it delivered $1000 in value, it is a hard time charging two or three thousand dollars for it and people would just feel like they were being squeezed. A little market testing will help to determine the maximum price consumers will perceive as fair. 6)Positioning Poisoning performer pricing about product and it is a key part of pricing.For example if anybody running discount store than he always set their prices lower than their competitors. The pricing has to be constant with the poisoning. Customers always want reasonable price and good quality of food. 7)Cost based pricing In hospitality this involves accurately calculating the food or beverage cost of per unit usually done by using a standard recipe than a percentage is added for gross profi t to arrive at the selling price. It is important to ensure that the gross profit percentage added is enough to cover all fixed and variable cost as well as the desire profit margin. )Market oriented pricing (Qualitative) This method looks at the relationship between price and value for money like how much people are prepared to spend and will take into account the whole meal experience from decor of restaurant, menu items, staff service and cleaning. Factors effects on pricing Price must always be consistent with the customers perception of value. The higher price the greater the customers expectation and it is to disappoint. If the product is perceived to be too expensive the customer will find substitutes.If the product is priced too low the customer may feel it reflects inferior quality. Budget perspective a price needs to include the cost to the business as well as the profit expectations. GST cost It is a value with added tax and it is compulsory for eachone who buys product and service from seller. For example when chef costing the menu he will include tax cost with dish cost. (pricing methods) 3. 2 assess the factors in hospitality operations which effect revenue generation and profitability Pricing is one of the quartette elements of the marketing mix, along with product, place and promotion.Pricing strategy is important for companies who wish to achieve success by finding the price point where they can increase sales and profits. Companies may use a variety of pricing strategies, depending on their own unique marketing goals and objectives. Portion Control One reason that chain restaurants are so successful is that they have a firm handle on portion control. The cooks in those restaurants know exactly how much of each ingredient to put in every dish. For example, shrimp scampi may have a portion control of six shrimp per dish.Therefore, every shrimp scampi that goes out of that kitchen will have six shrimp in it no more, no less. This is portion c ontrol. In order to practice portion control in your own kitchen everything should be measured out. Chicken, beef and fish should all be weighed, while shredded cheese can be stored in portion control cups and a measuring cup can dish out mashed potatoes. Once you feel comfortable cooking about menu, then serving amounts (sort of like Rachael Ray) but in the early stages of your restaurant, err on the side of caution and measure everything out.Another way to practice portion control is to purchase proportioned items, such as steaks, burger patties, chicken breasts, and pizza dough. They may be more expensive but can save you money in labor and food waste. Sales mix Sales mix is a combination of different sales products like beverages, food, desert and side coffees. Total of brunch sales, dinner sales is equal to total revenue. Customer service Good customer service is the life blood of any business. In a fine dining restaurant customers pay for service to enjoy food and atmosphere.A waiter or waitress serves customer food and beverages and it is up to staff that the customer back again to take service. It means if the staff provides fine and attractive service. Good customer is all about bringing customers back and about sending them away happy and happy enough to pass positive feedback about business. Staff knowledge Staff should know about menu items on tips with their descriptions and if staffs have knowledge about menu and beverages it will be a positive point and if customer asks about product than staff should answer with confidence.It will be good impressions on customers and they would like to some more food or come back again. Customer feel good as they get what they want and customer will be enjoy service. Selling skills Servers also known as waiters and waitresses are a key part of your restaurant staff. Without good service, few customers would return to any restaurant. A good server does more than just wait on customers. He or she is a salesperson . (Perhaps they should be called sellers, instead. ) They should not just be taking orders and delivering food. They should be selling a product- your restaurant menu. A good server knows how to up-sell.Up-selling is simply getting a customer to spend more than he was originally intending. Factors affecting profitability in restaurant business that is LO2 AND LO3 CLASS NOTES Class work/notes lead astray information to customers because 1. Guest complaint increase 2. Spoil image of the restaurant 3. Loss of money 4. Restaurant get fined if they dont obey rules 5. Effect the brand image 6. No loyalty towards organization 7. pretermit of staff training like if staff not provide service to customers properly than customer get dissatisfy they will never come back to restaurant 8. Effect on brand image if there is any problem in operations 9.Hygiene if there is no proper cleaning in kitchen than it direct effect on food so as a result customer will get purge from that food and it effe cts on restaurant image Employees duties for the vindication of the consumer 1. Provide and maintain a safe workplace which uses safe equipment and areas where customer think I am safe and they come again and again if they like place. 2. Prevent risks from use of any article or centre and from exposure to physical agents and noise 3. Prevent any improper conduct or behavior likely to put the safety, health and welfare of employees at risk 4.Provide instructions and training to employees on health and safety 5. Provide protective clothing and equipment to employees 6. Appointing a capable person as the organizations Safety Officer which helps when someone in danger 7. To take reasonable care to protect the health and safety of themselves and of other people in the workplace 8. Not to engage in improper behavior that will endanger themselves or others 9. Not to be under the influence of drink or drugs in the workplace 10. To complaint any defects in the place of work or equipment wh ich are not good or danger to health and safetyLo4 Areas that are commonly appraised Deliveries on time If deliveries come on time we will not run out anything. Moreover we could store at right temperature on right place. If delivers come on time then chef has time to organize stuff. Wrong deliveries if wrong delivers come than there are many problems that may arise like chef cannot do preparation without his products. If customer asks for particular item in the menu which we donot have due to wrong deliveries. May be instead of waiting customer would prefer go and try somewhere else. Short term deliveriesShort term deliveries are known as like takeaways. Quality of items Quality should be good if the quality not good than customer always dissatisfied from service and success or failure of a restaurant is tied to the quality of the product, service and atmosphere. Customers expect fresh food that is tastefully prepared. They want impeccable service from knowledgeable staff and they want an environment that is clean and comfortable. By reviewing a checklist of vital points daily, restaurant consistently provide a quality product that will keep customers coming back for more. rear end of signboard Commercial kitchens must be clean and sanitary. Customers or guest never see the kitchen area and cleanliness but restaurant should provide quality food with hygiene. Food is rotated in each delivery to maintain freshness. * Storage temperature should be checked every day * Prevent cross contamination by identifying cutting surfaces and utensils for specific items such as vegetables * Storage area must be neat and clean * Clean uniforms should be worn by kitchen staff along with hair restraints and proper footwear. All cooking and cleaning equipment should be serviced on a regular basis.Front of House * Check plates, glassware and silver for cleanliness before serving food. * The dining should be clean and decorated * Clean all areas in dinning room dailybasis * Tab le should be wiped after customer leave the premises * Linen changed day by day * Hand-polishing glasses and silverware after each washing will keep them spot-free. * All plates and utensils should be spot-checked for cleanliness before serving. * Menus should be clean and strain free. * Regularly check tables and chairs for cleanliness and to ensure they are not wobbly or cracked.Also be sure that restrooms are clean and stocked before each shift. Sometime packaging down in the mouth Sometimes while deliveries things get broken than staff has right give back that deliveries. Expiry date discontinue Staff should check expiry dates on products if th

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